Sheeted Hurdle

Corrugated galvanized sheeting riveted onto square section tubing, the MS9 and MS6 are complete with intermediate fittings for hurdle cross penning or fitting non-return catches. A very strong hurdle, the MS6 weighs 26kg.
MS9 H 0.90m L 2.70m
MS6 H 0.90m L 1.80m
MS3 H 0.90m L 0.90m
Sheeted Hurdle with Gate

Sheeted hurdle incorpoating a hinged 0.90m (3ft) swing door section, with slide bolt.
MS6+3 H 0.90m L 2.75m
MS3+3 H 0.90m L 1.80m
Railed Hurdle 7 Rail

Constructed entirely in square section tubing with vertical reinforcing and fittings for intermediate hurdle fixing. A very strong hurdle, the MR6 weighs 24kg.
MR9 H 0.90m L 2.75m
MR6 H 0.90m L 1.80m
MR3 H 0.90m L 0.90m
Railed Hurdle with Gate

Railed hurdle incorpoating a hinged 0.90m (3ft) swing door section, with slide bolt.
MS6+3 H 0.90m L 2.75m
MS3+3 H 0.90m L 1.80m
Economy Hurdle 7 Rail

A supporting frame in square section tubing, with 6 additional horizontal round tubes. Ideal for quickly constructed penning. Light and easy to move. The ME6 weighs 14 kg.
MEC9 H 0.90m L 2.75m
MEC8 H 0.90m L 2.40m
MEC6 H 0.90m L 1.80m
MEC5 H 0.90m L 1.50m
MEC4 H 0.90m L 1.22m
MEC3 H 0.90m L 0.90m
Meshed Hurdle

A supporting frame in square section tubing, weld mesh to a height of 0.70m (2ft). MM6 complete with intermediate hurdle fixing.
MM6 H 0.90m L 1.80m
MM3 H 0.90m L 0.90m
Slide Gate

Built to the same standard as the railed hurdle above, but complete with a slide section for easy access within pens full of sheep, maximum opening 0.80m (2ft6ins).
MR9SL H 0.90m L 2.75m
MR6SL H 0.90m L 1.80m
Sheeted Swing Gate in Frame

Built to same standards as the sheeted hurdle above, heavy duty hinged gate within a frame, with a side bolt.
MSSW9 H 0.90m L 2.75m
MSSW6 H 0.90m L 1.80m
MSSW3 H 0.90m L 0.90m
Swing Gate in Frame

Built to same standards as the railed hurdle above, heavy duty hinged gate within a frame, with a side bolt.
MSW9 H 0.90m L 2.75m
MSW6 H 0.90m L 1.80m
MSW3 H 0.90m L 0.90m